25.12.2006 Kaikoura, New Zealand

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25.12.2006 Kaikoura, New Zealand

Postby Maza » 25.12.2006 10:55:37

Kaikoura is super famous for its marine life. Whale, dolphins, seals, etc..
So I went to dive with the seals. I took my under w3ater housing with me and that was a good idea. After 10 minutes diving out to the rocks. There was a seal meeting. They were a bit scary about mee but I tooked easy. After while, couple guys came to see me. I was filming one fellow from one meter. In the land they were all the time fighting and barking but thaks, I didnt get bite in my ass. Great day and massive mountains with the snow in the back ground....

Ok, tomorrow more south and next diving maybe at Milford Sound!
Norway is still better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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